Do your international employees want to become Swedish citizens? If your talent has lived in Sweden for at least five years and holds permanent residency, they are eligible to apply for Swedish citizenship.
Citizenship is a symbol of integration and participation in Swedish society, opening doors to opportunities and providing benefits for your international talents. At Nimmersion, we can make the process as smooth as possible with our expertise and resources necessary to assist you with citizenship applications.
At Nimmersion we have extensive and diverse experience with this type of process. Our experts can provide you with a detailed overview, time plan and guidance throughout the process.
At Nimmersion, we can make the process as smooth as possible with our expertise and resources necessary to assist you with citizenship applications. We have a deep understanding of complex Swedish bureaucracy, and maintain ongoing communication with the Swedish Migration Agency.
We are dedicated to ensuring that the application is correct, in accordance with the law, and streamlined for your employees. We are involved at every stage of the process, ensuring that all documents and important details are handled with utmost precision.
Our Process
We begin the process with an informative email outlining the Swedish citizenship application process. This email also includes an overview of the necessary documents and the information we require from your employees.
The citizenship application requires a wide range of documents and records. With our expertise and knowledge of these requirements, we ensure that all documents are collected and submitted in the correct order, following established practices.
We submit an application to the Swedish Migration Agency on your talent’s behalf. In some cases, the individual may be contacted for interviews and citizenship tests. We will notify them well in advance when it’s time to present their original passport.
Once a decision has been made, we will inform you both and share the decision through a letter, and offer explanations should there be any questions or concerns. When the application is approved, the Swedish Migration Agency will invite your employee to a ceremony for people who have been recently granted citizenship.
It’s important to note that the process may vary depending on individual circumstances, and therefore, the timeline may differ. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more detailed guidance and information tailored to your situation.