Try our bundled services for a smooth arrival, easy living and swift departure. We have put together our most sought after services into programs to meet every need.
Easy Living
Our Easy Living Program is a full-service relocation program created with families and executives in mind.
Smooth Landing
Our Smooth Landing Program takes over the time-consuming tasks of finding a new home – so employees can focus on other important details.
Smooth Arrival
Hassle-free relocations mean greater productivity. Our Smooth Arrival Program frees up employees from the complexities of moving to a new country.
VIP Living
Our VIP Living Program provides an exceptional level of personal attention customized to the needs of the entire family.
Swift Departure
Our comprehensive Swift Departure Program is designed to make the departure process hassle-free for both your employees and your organization.
Easy Immigration for Work Permits
Our Easy Immigration Program is a hands off approach if you prefer that we handle the case from beginning to end.
Read more about how we work with relocation and Immigration services
Discover how Nimmersion can streamline the relocation and immigration process for your global talent, ensuring a seamless transition and swift integration into Sweden. Our nearly 30 years of experience and dedicated team provide fast, friendly, and reliable support.