Why you shouldn’t wait to apply for a Swedish work permit

Are you finding the process of applying for a Swedish work permit overwhelming? Perhaps you’re afraid of it being a time-consuming and difficult task due to changing regulations? Regardless of these probabilities, it’s always wise to apply for a Swedish work permit as soon as possible – here’s why.

Swedish immigration laws are constantly changing

The Swedish Migration Agency has implemented several new law changes in 2021 and again in 2022. Many of these new legislations retroactively affect already filed applications which may cause unexpected consequences for applicants. 

Immigration to Sweden is closely monitored and therefore the laws and regulations are constantly updated within the system – sometimes without taking earlier issues into consideration. The former government has suggested many amendments and increased requirements to qualify for a Swedish work permit, this includes several additional steps in the process, including employment contracts and more. There are even more updates to be expected in 2023. Even the fast track seems to be in jeopardy. 

Why you shouldn’t wait to apply for your Swedish work permit

Foreign talent that has moved or is on the move to Sweden should start their application as soon as possible. The benefits of getting started with the application always outweigh a delayed enlisting since the latter can extend an approval, because of additional requirements having to be deliberated in every individual case.

What about moving a family to Sweden?

The same application times that apply to work permit applicants also apply to their spouses when the application is filed together. Some wait to apply for their family members given they don’t want to move at the same time. The result is that the dependent’s resident application is filed outside the Swedish Migration Agency’s fast track available only for work permits.  (Not in 2022, but otherwise). 

The dependent doesn’t need to move to Sweden within a given period. Consequently, it’s perfectly fine to move later when the school year has ended, or the local job contract has been completed. Though it’s difficult to foresee the requirements in a year’s time for the dependant, the assumption is that the sustenance level will increase due to inflation, hence meaning that the permit holder will need to obtain a higher salary to be allowed to bring family members.

Families expecting a baby will often have to plan their relocation carefully. A newborn baby can’t be accepted for a residence permit until the birth certificate has been duly translated and a passport issued. In many countries, this paperwork can take several months thus separating the family for a long period. Figuring out whether there’s time to apply and get approved before the new family member, or filing a partial application is something that needs to be discussed and well thought out beforehand. While the migration application timelines used to be quite predictable the local registration at the Swedish Tax Authority which unlocks all medical services can take months. Pregnancy and giving birth can’t be covered by insurance since it’s considered a planned medical situation. A lot of consideration and care will be needed in such a situation. Sometimes getting fast decisions is the best way forward. 

Immigrating to Sweden doesn’t have to be complicated 

At Nimmersion we’re guiding everyone who needs help with their work and residence permits when planning to relocate to Sweden. We take care of the complex immigration process and its many steps, and you only have to provide us with adequate information during the process. Getting started as soon as possible will avoid unnecessarily long timelines and give the smoothest and quickest outcome and approval. If you wait too long to start the application, there will be additional work needed due to possible regulatory changes that have occurred during the time from your actual arrival to the start of the application. Information from this elapsed time needs to be collected and handled to cover changes implemented retroactively  to the system. Each newly added requirement can be expected to be lost time in the new location.

Regardless of which way you choose to take, we can help you every step of the way. Current timelines at the Migration Agency are long and the Swedish Migration Agency doesn’t give interim updates, however, we will be notified as soon as a decision is made, and rest assured we love sharing good news and we can do it within minutes! 

Would you like more information on how to get a Swedish work permit?

Are you considering getting a Swedish work permit? Then please, contact us here at Nimmersion with any questions that you might have. We would love to help you with your relocation to Sweden.

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